Friday, December 10

Bananas in Pajamas

You know, it's always interesting to learn how different people say words. Take pajamas, for instance. Some people say "pahjahmahs." Some people say "pajaamas." (as in Alabama, or blueberry jam. Oooh, I need some of that stuff. It's yummy.)

Just yesterday I noted that Hyrum says "pellow" where I say "pillow." Maybe it's a Southern thing. I'm so glad that I'm an English Language major. I get to notice these sorts of things.

Well, it's fixin' to be a long night. My wonderful roommate (who really is wonderful, I'm not being sarcastic) is congested. This means that a saw is sleeping in the same room as me. And I can't sleep when I can hear someone else breathing, much less when I can hear someone snoring. So I'll have to take my blanket out to the couch for a while. Then, when I'm half-asleep myself, I'll creep back into the room and slip into bed. Cause sleeping on a couch (especially these dinky little couches we have in Heritage) just doesn't give you a good night's rest.

"A Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
~ Clement C. Moore

Thursday, December 9

Mmmmm. Yummy.

Recently, I have rediscovered the joy of poptarts. Fresh out of the toaster poptarts. They're not nearly so good when they're untoasted. Nevertheless, I like toaster strudels better overall, but poptarts are a fairly good substitute when I can't afford toaster strudels. Which is all the time.

I made an A on my final yesterday. This is good. And Hyrum came over. He needed to borrow some cornstarch. Right. Just like he needed me to spell a Latin word for him. And just like he needed me to edit his history paper. My personal favorite was when he came over after ward prayer to ask if my roommate, Amanda, had gotten a haircut. She hadn't. Well, at this point I'm pretty sure that he's interested. Boys don't do things like that if they're not interested, right? Still, things are developing slowly; I don't mind, though. I have no idea what I'm doing anyway. Boys confuse the heck out of me. And not only are they confusing, they're stupid, and you should throw rocks at them. And that is my conclusion.

Wednesday, December 8

Beginning Again

Here goes my third blog. Yes, I have three blogs now, all with different content, but all with the same name. Why can't everyone I know just use one silly blog host? Speaking of blogs, did you know that blog is the most searched word on Google? Cool, huh?

Finals are almost upon us and I am much less stressed out than I probably should be. I'm just happy that I found an accompanist for my Music 160 final. Which will begin in precisely 1 hour and 40 minutes. (Hah, that's a fragment, but I'm going to use it anyway! Because I can! I love my Modern American Usage class.) I'm nervous about singing, because I still can't sing some of my songs as well as I would like, but I imagine that I will do just fine. For some odd reason, I do better in performances than in practices. Go figure.

I'm very very excited about the upcoming break. I get to go home, and I get to see my family and friends, and I get presents. Christmas time is great! Oh, and I get to have that spirit of giving...thing, too. Gosh, I'm so selfish. Well, TTFN, TaTa for Now!