Tuesday, May 20


This is quite the funny video clip, especially for any music geeks. Like my family.

Watch it!

Saturday, May 17


Well, in about a week, I'll be halfway done with spring term. That means in a little over a month, I'll be heading home! Yes! And after spring term, I'll have 3 classes left to take in my college career! Only one more semester! I'm excited!

Course, I got lots to do. I have to find housing for fall semester. I have to actually pass my classes. Don't worry, I will; I'm not gonna trip before I get to the finish line. I get to go home for a month at the end of June! I have to do all the traditional graduation stuff in August. And after I'm done with school, I gotta find a job, move back to Alabama, and hopefully get a car.

Anyways, the weather has been nice here. I like springtime in Utah. The only negative thing about it is that my nose has been running for the past month. Allergies. All the trees are green here now, and the snow on the mountains is melting. It's a good time of year. And it'll be my last spring in Utah. I hope. I'm really looking forward to moving back to Alabama, though. It's not so dry there. And in Alabama, I don't feel the sun searing into my skin. I was talking to some girls at work about how I don't like when it gets hot, and they felt the exact opposite. They love the sun! Well, I'm not from California and my skin is as white as it comes. The sun is my enemy. I turn pink after 5 minutes outside. Hence, I do not like the scorching dry heat here. I feel like I'm in an oven sometimes. Granted, Alabama can be pretty miserable too, but at least there's moisture in the air and a person can breath.

I'm just enjoying Utah now, before the sun fries everything up. It'll happen soon.

Friday, May 2


I just got back from a short roadtrip. It was quite fun. Dorthy, my roommate came up with the idea of going down to Manti to go to the temple there. So we did. There were supposed to be four of us going, but our friend Beth couldn't make it. So it was just Dorthy, Joe and me. Dorthy and Joe did an endowment session and I went and did baptisms. The people in the baptistry were so nice and made such a fuss over me. It was different going all by myself, but it was such a good experience that I'm really glad I went. One of the old men was telling me that President Hinckley called the Manti temple the "jewel of temples" and he told a story about how President Hinckley's wife's father or grandfather worked on building the temple, got injured, and died from the hernia that he got. Interesting.

Anyway, after I was done doing baptisms, I wandered around the temple grounds, enjoying the nice weather and the pretty trees. I sat on a rock and contemplated some stuff for awhile. It was very nice and I felt peaceful and comforted.

After Joe and Dorthy came out from their session, we got back in the car and drove a bit further south to the tiny town of Salina, Utah (pronounce the "i" like "eye"). Why Salina, you ask? Well, Joe used to live there and he gave us a brief tour of the town. We saw the bank, Joe's old house, Lotsa Motsa Pizza, the Five and Dime store, Joe's old elementary, middle and high schools, and other key places of interest. It didn't take that long. After that we headed back up to Provo. And that was the trip.

Did I mention the wraps I made for our dinner? Ham and turkey with Provolone cheese and Roma tomatoes, along with some spinach leaves and ranch dressing. They were so fantastic! Mmmmm, wraps.