Saturday, June 30


Last night I had a friend over to watch a movie. A four-hour-long movie. It was an adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's book, North and South, done by the BBC in 2004. The plot is very reminiscent of Pride and Prejudice: strong feminine protagonist, misunderstood (by the female) male protagonist, male falls in love with female but female thinks he's lower than dirt. There was even a proposal scene right in the middle where she completely shoots him down. However, the setting was different. The plot takes place in industrial Victorian England, in a northern town called Milton. I absolutely adored all of the northern accents. They're similar to Scottish. Anyways, they get together in the end, during an absolutely adorable scene in a train station, but only after both the girl's parents die, her best friend succombs to consumption, and her fugitive brother escapes the country. But that train station scene is just so great!

I might have to go read the book now.

P.S. The guy in this movie has these absolutely smoldering good looks. So dang attractive.

Sunday, June 17


This is a momentous occasion. Not terribly momentous though. I am blogging for the first time from my new laptop! I've had it for more than a week, though; it would've been way more exciting if I blogged the day I got it.

Tomorrow I wake up and head back out west. (At 6 in the morning. Blegh.) I'm fairly excited about this trip; I do love going out to Utah almost as much as I love coming home. We're going camping at the Grand Canyon for a few days before we go up to Provo. That should be fun. I like camping out west. Dry pillows to sleep on. Not to mention it gets appropriately chilly at night, so you don't get all hot and sweaty while you sleep. It'd be perfect for campfires, but I doubt we'll get to have one, due to all the dryness.

I'm really looking forward to getting back to my library. I miss it. I miss my coworkers and my roommates, too. I was surprised about how much I'm excited about going back; I didn't think I'd get so "homesick." Provo isn't really home, but I'm fairly attached to it right now. I do miss green things when I'm living in the desert, though. I should definitely live in Europe, in the Alps, so I can have both green and mountains. It'd be so perfect. Or maybe Scotland. Green (in the summer), mountains and hot accents! That's the life for me!