Thursday, June 25

Buffy vs. Edward

I just started watching Buffy on Hulu. And then today, a friend of mine found this:

I love it! Brings out the creepiness that is Edward Cullen.

Friday, June 12

Argh. Must post update.

Yes, I know. I have been so sadly lacking in updates. Frankly, I don't think much in my life right now is worth blogging about. Plus, when I read other people's blogs, I realize how much better every other person on the planet is at blogging than me. (That is probably an overstatement. I mean, at least I strive to spell words correctly. That must make me better than some people on the planet.) Everyone else's blog entries are witty and well-thought. Mine are boring and dumb compared with them.

I'm waiting to hear about the new job. I applied for the permanent position out here at the tiny library where I'm working. I'm supposed to hear next week. So we'll see what happens with that.

I'm watching the X-files on DVD right now. I borrowed the first two seasons from Becca and I'm almost done with season 2. Which means, I might have to go up to Nashville to get the next couple seasons. I like watching tv on DVD. No commercials. And instant next episode.

I got Josh and Dad into Lost, too. Now I have someone to talk to about that show. Except they've only seen the first three seasons. I don't want to spoil things for them, but every time they watch an episode, I see things I didn't pick up on before. So, I'm constantly making "Ooohhhh, interesting..." noises in places I shouldn't be drawing to their attention. Bryan says it's a stupid show, but last night he said we need to get the fourth season. So he can watch it and make fun of it, he claims. I think he secretly likes it. I don't blame him; it's an awesome show. I can't wait for January and the final season!

Wednesday, May 6

Fairie Tale Fettish

One of my book fettishes is fairy tale adapatations. I love it when an auther takes a traditional fairy tale, then modernizes it, gives it a new twist, puts in a different setting, etc. By far, the most adapted fairy tale I have found is Cinderella. The whole plot is just so easily applied to any time period and any setting. I just read a book called A Countess Below Stairs, by Eva Ibbotson. I wasn't expecting it to be a Cinderella plot book, but was delighted to find one of my beloved fairy tales retold. (Also, I was delighted by how refreshing a read it was. Yes, it is what I consider a romance novel, but it also contains adorable characters and has interesting things to say about social classes in a English manor house post-WWI.)

So, in an effort to give myself a reason to blog more, I may start posting a feature about fairy tales and their adaptations. I'm not sure of the format, or if I will be motivated to post with any sort of regularity, but I'll try it, at least for a little while. Ok, first post, Cinderella.

Note: Anything that sounds factual probably came from the Wikipedia article on Cinderella.

There are countless versions of this beloved fairy tale told in various ancient cultures across the globe, including Greco-Egyptian (possibly the earliest version), Chinese, Japanese, Arabian and Celtic. Though I always assumed that the Brothers Grimm fairie tale was the original European version, I learned that Charles Perrault had written his own version in 1697 (according to the Wikipedia article) and that an Italian version had been published even earlier. Perrault, though, was the one who added the pumpkin turning into a coach, the fairy godmother, and the glass slippers. Grimm's version, which I prefer because it's more gruesome, has birds (Aha! Here's where those friendly woodland creatures come from!) and a magic wishing tree instead of a fairy godmother, stepsisters that cut off various parts of their feet to fit into the shoes, and pigeons that peck people's eyes out. Good stuff.

My Top Five Favorite Adaptations:

Disclaimer: All of the following is my opinion. Keep in mind that I am a silly fangirl at heart. Hence, many of the versions I love and enjoy are silly and girly and have no substance.

-Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (Any of the three movie versions, also the stage musical)
-Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (the book, NOT the movie)
-A Countess Below Stairs by Eva Ibbotson
-The Brothers Grimm version
-Ever After (1998)

Honorable Mentions:
-The Glass Slipper (1955) starring Leslie Caron
-Faerie Tale Theatre's "Cinderella" (1985) with Jennifer Beals and Matthew Broderick
-Phoenix and Ashes by Mercedes Lackey
-The Slipper and the Rose (1976)
There are about a billion others. Check out the Wikipedia article here for more adaptations. Make a comment if you have a favorite that I simply must read/see. Or make a comment to suggest what fairie tale to do next.

Thursday, April 23

Small Town Stories

I have just decided that there are some great bonuses to working in a small town. One of the older residents of Gurley just told me a story about why Gurley has no jail.

So, this young man got tired of being locked up every weekend for being drunk, so he took a big chain from the lumbermill, attached it to a freight train and to the little jail building. The jail, of course, went flying down the tracks. A local farmer built a barn out of the remains. And the young man who did the deed was none other than the mayor's son!

Aren't small towns great?

Friday, April 17

Things That Make Me Smile About My Job

Gurley, the town where I work, has a street called Elvis Presley Blvd.
Half of the people that come into the library ask if we have the Twilight books.
The scenic drive to work, though a half hour long, is absolutely gorgeous in the spring.
I filled in at another branch this morning and got to work with one of my favorite people!
When I work at other branches, I get to ransack their DVD collections.
Old people tell great stories and gossip like fiends.
Apparently, I'm grown-up enough to run a branch all on my own. Scary. But a good scary.
Small children bring me handmade crafts made of sequins and popsicle sticks.
Small children ask me to read them stories.
Small children gaze in wonder at our awesome Brio train table.
I found a copy of James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ in our small collection.
I think we have the entire series of The Waltons on DVD. At our one tiny branch.
I can change the background color on Workflows, and no one ever changes it back to blue!
When the computers were busted the other day, the IT people were so grateful that I was a young, technologically-inclined person.

Tuesday, February 24


So, I found this page that has "cool bookmark designs," and thought I'd share. My favorite is the bookmark lamp. I seriously need one of these. Too bad my birthday's past already.

Friday, February 20

Flying Solo

I must be doing well with my new job.

I must be doing well, because they have me running a tiny branch for a couple weeks ALL BY MYSELF! It's all me. No one else. Scary.

Ok, well, I do have the phone-a-friend lifeline if disaster strikes. But still, for all the everyday things, I'm by myself. And I have been out here by myself for the past couple days now and everything has run smoothly. No angry patrons. At least, not yet. I hope I can keep it that way.

I've done a little organizing. I put the DVD cases in rough alphabetical order (all the movies starting with 'A' grouped together and so forth). Now I'm working on the discs.

I've helped people find stuff. Today, a lady was looking for some I Spy books and we found where those are. Yesterday I scoured the catalog for a book about haunted houses for this little boy. That was fun.

I've had some interesting conversations. Old people like to talk, I've learned. And they have opinions about everything.

Right now, this is a temporary situation. But it's not so scary as I thought it was going to be. And I've even enjoyed myself at times. It is rather intimidating to think that there's really no one I can pass the buck to, but I've handled it so far. I don't know if I've handled it well, but I have handled it.

And I do kinda like the drive out here. I get to drive over the mountain and through rural Alabama, which is quite pretty, even in the brown month of February.

Friday, January 2

Exciting Things!!!

It must be time for an update. Because I had exciting things happen!

First of all, I got a job! Yay for employment! I'll be working for the public library as an branch library assistant. It'll be part-time at first, but they're hoping to have me working full-time soon. They're gonna use me as a floater, sending me to whatever branch needs me, so I'll get to drive all over the county. Which meant that I needed...

A car!

I got job on Tuesday, so that afternoon, Dad and I looked at some cars online to see what was available and how much it would cost. I really really wanted a Honda Civic, but I knew one would be hard to find. Wednesday afternoon, Dad and I took a drive around town to see if we could find anything, but it was cold and dark and New Year's Eve. No one was open. We looked at a couple cars in the self-sell place and wrote down their information, but decided to go car shopping for real on Friday. So, this morning, we heading up to the Honda dealership and didn't really find anything in my price range. They had a Suzuki Verona that was a bit more than we wanted to spend, but it did have a lot of nice features: leather heated seats, big stereo in the back, V6 engine. Fun to drive around in, but not really the practical car I wanted. So we disappointed the salesman (he was really trying to push that car on us) and went to the Bentley Hyundai place to look around there. My sister and her husband had a Hyundai and they really liked it, so we looked at one they had there. This car fit the budget much better and ended up being the one we got! It's a 2003 Hyundai Elantra and only has 39,000 miles on it. An old man had just traded it in for a new one. Hence, the low mileage. Also hence, the long scratch down the side of it. We heard from the guy who did the paperwork with us that the old man had just come in earlier because he had dinged up his new car that he just traded for. So, yeah, my new car is a little "weathered". The moral of the story is when you get too old, you shouldn't drive cars anymore. I, however, look forward to many good times with my new car.

Me and my new car!

And also, the houses across the street. And also, the vertically challenged mountains of Alabama in the background.