Thursday, September 28


I am now officially an aunt! Check out my sister's blog and my mom's blog for pictures!

I also went out on a date tonight. With a genuine Southern gentleman. It was great! My coworker, Brittany set us up and we doubled with her and her boyfriend. First we went bowling, then to Subway for some subs, then back to the guys' place to watch a bit of Harry Potter 4, and last we played Loaded Questions. I was kinda nervous about it being awkward, but Matt turned out really fun. I'd go out with him again. Unfortunately, he's just visiting his brother this week and then he'll go back to Georgia. He asked if he could call me if he came back into town though. I said yes.

Tuesday, September 26


I bought a new phone! Well, a used phone, but new for me.
Check it out!

It's a LC C1300 phone. Pretty basic, yes. Not as cute as my old phone, yes. I can deal, though. Hopefully, next July I'll be able to get a new phone from my plan. I was actually looking at a Motorola one and almost bought that, but someone beat me to it at the last second. Bummer. At least I'll have a phone.

Saturday, September 23


Today I feel very idiotic.

I ran my cell phone through the wash. It was an accident, of course, but that doesn't make me feel any better. When I called Mom and told her, she just laughed. I guess it is kinda funny. But sad, too. Now my faithful phone has gone to that big Cingular service provider in the sky. I will have to move on to another phone. In the meantime, I'll be phoneless for a couple days. But I lived for 20 years without a cell phone; I can survive a few days without one. I hope.

Wednesday, September 20


We've been having pretty chilly weather here in Utah. And unfortunately, I have a cold, too. My head is all stuffy and my nose is all drippy and I just feel cruddy. It's not really severe or anything, just uncomfortable. I have to blow my nose a lot. That kinda gets gross and also tiresome, especially since today I apparently blew hard enough to burst a blood vessel and got a nosebleed. Right when I was supposed to go to class. Ugh. I hate being sick.

I'm really excited about being an aunt sometime soon, though. Hopefully, any day now, little Lindsay will just pop out!

Sunday, September 17


I had a room-roommate for a week and two days. Then she moved out. Apparently for some family/personal reason. It was quite strange, actually. I got home from work on Thursday, and my room was half empty. Just that morning, all Brittany's stuff was there. Fortunately, it wasn't because we smelled or were mean. She stopped by later and reassured us. But I'm roommate-less again.

I'm actually not that distraught about having my own room for right now. It's pretty nice. Who knows when or even if we're getting another girl? But I'll enjoy having lots of space in the meantime.

Wednesday, September 13


I bought some today. Hand soap. At the dollar store. Let me lead up to that, though.

Wednesday's are relatively busy days. I have three classes; I'm done with them at 4 o'clock. Then I work from 4 to 6. At work today, I finally got trained as a Team Leader, which means I can get a raise! Yay! Especially cause I've been a TL de facto for 2 and a half weeks.

After I got home from work, Lindsay and I went to rescue Jessica and her husband, Scott. They had locked themselves out of their car while the car was still running. Lindsay knows how to break into a car; so while she and Scott got the car unlocked, Jessica and I had a short little chat. Jessica and I haven't gotten to do that for awhile, so it was nice. Then after that, Scott and Jessica took us out for pizza to thank us for helping them out. I certainly didn't do much to help, but it was fun anyways. Good pizza, too. Yay for pizza!

That brings us to the dollar store. We needed scrub thingies and hand soap for the apartment, so we each bought one of each. Yay for the dollar store! For our last errand, we went to the Smith Fieldhouse and walked for about 30 minutes. I'm working on getting into shape and having Lindsay do it with me is like having my own personal trainer. Yay for Lindsay! Working out is so much more enjoyable with someone else there beside you. I felt great afterwards.

When we got back to the apartment, Merrill was there with Jamie. He's our home teacher and had promised to make us cookies a while ago. And he had cookies for us tonight! Yay for cookies!

Tomorrow promises to be another busy day. I have class and work and Lindsay and I have to go on a walk. But then it will be Friday and the weekend. Yay for the weekend!

Sunday, September 10


We had a regional conference thingy today for church and it was awesome! First President Samuelson spoke, then Joseph B. Wirthlin, and then President Monson! It was broadcast from the Marriott center on campus, but the roomies and I went to the Fine Arts center to watch it from the De Jong concert hall.

I think this was the best conference I've ever been to. President Monson gave a totally phenomenal talk. It was interesting and funny and incredibly spiritual. He was so much more animated than he is in General Conference. He talked about lots of things, but mostly about making a blueprint for our lives, by having a house of learning, house of glory, house of order, etc. This was one of those talks that makes you want to go out and take action afterwards, those talks that get you really excited about the gospel. It was amazing! So, hopefully this week will be great, and I'll do good stuff.

Tuesday, September 5


First day back in school. Well, it didn't really feel very schoolish, cause I only have one class on Tuesdays. I went to work at 9, ate lunch a little after 11, hung around campus, went to my interior design class, which looks like fun, bought the book for interior design (along with the packet for the class, a binder, and some notebook paper), then came home. Our apartment manager called to tell us that the 4th girl should be moving in today at 5:30. That's in a hour, roughly. I hope she's nice.

Oooo, and I get to be a kind of mentor to Parker, the Italian poetry-reading guy, because all the new people at work get a mentor. Points for my boss for assigning me to him!

Monday, September 4


I woke up at 7:45 in the morning today. How awful is that? Today is the last day before school starts and I don't even get to sleep in. Anyway, the reason I woke up so early is so I could go to Walmart with the Roberts. I bought some stuff, including pillows. Ah, there's nothing like new fluffy pillows.

When I got home I got started on cleaning up my room. I did some laundry, put all my clothes away, and did a little bit of organizing. I still have some more to do, but my room looks much better now.

Jamie's friend, Merrill, invited us to go boating on Deer Creek Lake on his friend's boat. That was way fun, speeding around the lake, the wind rushing through my hair. It felt great and the mountains were gorgeous!

I think I spent my Labor Day pretty well, all things considered. And I still get to look forward to going to IHOP tonight!

Friday, September 1


Nice thing that happened today:

Parker, a new guy at work, read me Italian poetry while we did book processing. There's nothing like having a cute guy speak Italian to you!

Creepy thing that happened today:

On the way home from work, this weird Latino guy pulls up in a car and I swear, starts hitting on me. It was creepy. Really, really creepy. So much so that when I got home I locked the door, with both the handle and the deadbolt.