Thursday, June 25

Buffy vs. Edward

I just started watching Buffy on Hulu. And then today, a friend of mine found this:

I love it! Brings out the creepiness that is Edward Cullen.

Friday, June 12

Argh. Must post update.

Yes, I know. I have been so sadly lacking in updates. Frankly, I don't think much in my life right now is worth blogging about. Plus, when I read other people's blogs, I realize how much better every other person on the planet is at blogging than me. (That is probably an overstatement. I mean, at least I strive to spell words correctly. That must make me better than some people on the planet.) Everyone else's blog entries are witty and well-thought. Mine are boring and dumb compared with them.

I'm waiting to hear about the new job. I applied for the permanent position out here at the tiny library where I'm working. I'm supposed to hear next week. So we'll see what happens with that.

I'm watching the X-files on DVD right now. I borrowed the first two seasons from Becca and I'm almost done with season 2. Which means, I might have to go up to Nashville to get the next couple seasons. I like watching tv on DVD. No commercials. And instant next episode.

I got Josh and Dad into Lost, too. Now I have someone to talk to about that show. Except they've only seen the first three seasons. I don't want to spoil things for them, but every time they watch an episode, I see things I didn't pick up on before. So, I'm constantly making "Ooohhhh, interesting..." noises in places I shouldn't be drawing to their attention. Bryan says it's a stupid show, but last night he said we need to get the fourth season. So he can watch it and make fun of it, he claims. I think he secretly likes it. I don't blame him; it's an awesome show. I can't wait for January and the final season!