Wednesday, August 30


Last night I went to Lindsay's movie premiere. It wasn't a big movie or anything, just a short 3o minute film about this kid trying to decide if he wants to make a bunch of money or go on a mission (called Money or Mission). Lindsay was the love interest. It was kinda weird watching my best friend in a movie, but it was fun watching her sign movie posters afterwards with other people from the cast. I got her to sign one for me, of course, and I was like, Oh my gosh, it's Lindsay Bird, will you sign my poster, please! She's a really good PR person. I got the director, John Lyde, to sign the poster, too. He's way cool. Good director. Definitely going places. And I'm on a first name basis with him. Just cause of Lindsay.

Monday, August 28


Ok, please bear with me while I be a fangirl.

I MET SEAN ASTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, tonight was pretty much the best night ever! I got to go to the movie set where Sean Astin was filming and watch him and meet him and take a picture with him and when he walked by the first time I smiled at him and he smiled back!

It was really cool being on the set and actually getting to watch him in action. He was real intense and focused when doing his stuff. We were standing right outside the room where he was doing a scene, so when I see the movie, I can say if the door behind Sean was open, you could almost see me! He was really nice to us when we asked him for pictures; we had to wait a while for him to finally have time to do it, though. And when we did, he said, "Raise your hand if you're Mormon." We all did (we being Lindsay, Jamie, Jordelle, Eva<--a friend of Jordelle, and me). Then he told us that someone had just given him a Book of Mormon, so when we took the picture, he held it up. He was so cool.

Pretty much the coolest sweetest thing that's ever happened to me!

Lindsay, Me, Jordelle, Sean Astin, Jamie, and Eva

Me and Sean
(I got to hug Sam!)

Sunday, August 27


So, I had a pretty exciting weekend.

First, I moved back to Provo. That was somewhat eventful. Friday morning I got on a plane, flew to Dallas, got on another plane, threw up twice, and got off the plane in Salt Lake. Yup, I got airsick. Stupid turbulence. The little old lady next to me gave me a tissue and was pretty nice. It's probably quite awkward sitting next to someone who's barfing their guts out. Then after that it took forever to get my luggage. I'm just glad I got it in the end. Losing luggage is not fun. So, my travel experience definitely wasn't the greatest.

Jamie picked me up from the airport and we promptly got stuck in Salt Lake City evening traffic. It was like 5:30. So then I was hungry, cause I didn't have food in my stomach anymore (on account of my lunch being in a barf bag inside a trash can). So we went to Wendy's. I got a chicken salad sandwich thing and it was pretty good. I'd get it again.

We made it down to Provo eventually and back to the apartment (Oh, how I adore my apartment! It's so pretty!) then I went to get my stuff from the friends who were storing it. That was fun cause I got to meet Jamie's friend Merril (not sure how he spells it). He turned out to be a pretty fun guy and he helped us move all my stuff. There's nothing like having a guy to carry heavy things for you. Anyways, after Lindsay came home, we decided to go miniature golfing. Now, I'd never been mini-golfing before, so I wasn't that great, but I think I did decent enough for my very first time. I made a 68. I had some really great putts, too. But then I had really bad putts to make up for the good ones.

Yesterday was fun, too. Jamie and I went grocery shopping. I bought lots of food, including nectarines and almonds. Yummy! I just had one of those nectarines and it was soooo good. That night, Lindsay decided we were going to have a bonfire and roast marshmallows and stuff. So we got a group of people and went up into Provo Canyon and made a fire. We were there about an hour and then we got kicked out by this ranger policeman guy. He was actually pretty nice. He told us that open fires weren't allowed and that there was a $178 fine, but he wasn't going to make us pay. Apparently, this rule has only been around for the last couple weeks. So, we put out the fire and some of us headed back to our apartment to play some DDR. That was fun, especially when Jessica and Scott did a round together. They are soooo funny and such a cute little married couple!

Today, Lindsay and Jamie and I went to church, of course. Due to it being summertime, we were combined with two other wards. Sacrament meeting was very good; one guy talked about setting goals, a girl talked about loving others, and the last speaker, um, well, I can't remember what he talked about. The Sunday School lesson was about Job, and in Relief Society we had a nice discussion about agency. That's pretty much it.

Wow, so this post is way longer than usual. That's probably because more stuff happened then has happened in awhile.

Tuesday, August 22


Today I voted! I was a part of the political process, I did my civic duty, and all that stuff. Pretty cool, huh? Especially since I got a sticker!

And I got my hair cut! This day has been pretty exciting, and it's only 1:00. I still am going to hang out with my friend, Melissa, tonight, so I feel very busy today. Ok, well, busy compared to the rest of my summer day.

Monday, August 21


Time for another post!

So Friday was my Grandpa Lavers' birthday and we took him out to eat. This restaraunt was called Bonefish Grill (obviously a seafood place) and I am not the biggest fan of seafood. Fortunately, there were non-seafood items on the menu. I got the chicken marsala, which turned out to be very very excellent. I even ate all of the mushrooms. Now there was a time when the very thought of mushrooms grossed me out, but apparently my tastes have matured. Now I can eat them (though not just by themselves) and I enjoy the flavor they add. Maybe this means that someday I'll be able to like seafood, too.

Thursday, August 17


In an effort to keep my brother-in-law appeased, I have posted again. Good for me.

So I'm going back to Utah in like, a week. Definitely having mixed feelings about that. However, there is one thing I've learned this summer. It is far far better to have stuff to do (like a job, or classes, or something) than to live a life of leisure.

Of course, it's nice to have a whole day of nothing to do every once in a while. But to spend every single day like that is not nearly as much fun as it may sound. So, I will be very grateful to get back to a place where I have a real life. In fact, I almost wish that I had stayed in Utah these past two months and only come home for just two weeks. Oh well, it's just another week.

Saturday, August 12


I'm sorry I haven't been a big poster this summer. I'm pretty much hopeless. Not that many people read my blog anyway. But like I've said before: it's hard to blog when nothing ever happens to me.

At least I've been away from the evil boy disease this summer. Here at home there have been no guys to like, just the memory of that one boy out in Utah. And as nothing could ever possibly happen with him anyway, it's just as well that I've been here in Alabama. I still get kinda sad whenever I see something that reminds me of him, though. Well. I'll be in another ward this fall, and with any luck, there'll be another boy for me to crush on, cause that's pretty much as far as I can get with any boy.

In other news, I've been reading about a new Lord of the Rings RPG coming out next year. The website looks good; I like the artwork. I've seen all the video blogs about the game development, too. It looks pretty cool and I'm looking forward to actually seeing screenshots and whatnot. I've checked out the forum, too. It seems like other people are pretty excited about it and I like that the game developers are asking what the gamers want in the game.

There's one thing that bothers me about forums though. People do not know how to write English! I mean, use a freaking spell check, people! Learn the simple basics of grammar! Begin your sentences with a freaking capital letter! Ok. I feel better now. Every once in a while, that prescriptivist deep down inside of me comes out and I just need to rant about the lack of proper English usage on the Internet.

Wednesday, August 9


I suppose I should update again, or Peter might get mad and scold me again. I have such a cruel brother-in-law! Just kidding, Peter!

So, something mildly exciting did happen to me. When I get back to BYU, I'll probably get promoted at my job! Yay! It means a 25 cent raise, too. More money is always good, but there will also be new responsibilities. So, that's good.

There are things I'm looking forward to about going back to Utah, and things I'm not excited about at all. My job, my friends, my swanky apartment. Those are all good, happy things I want to get back to. Mostly it's just more school I'm dreading. I'm tired of it. I've been in school since I was five years old. That's like 16 years. Considering I'm 21 years old, that's a long time. Do I really have to keep going? Will it ever end? Probably not. Ugh.