Monday, June 16


Well, it's that time of year. The time of year when I get on a plane and fly to Alabama. Maybe for the last time. Because next time I go home, it will be a more permanent move.

I'm pretty excited about this trip, though. Our family reunion is next week in the Smoky Mountains. The house where we will be staying looks to be awesome. And then I will have a few weeks of no school and no work! I've been doing both for the past 6 months. It's time for a vacation.

Today was my last day of spring term classes. I have 2 finals on Wednesday, Biology 100 and Latin 201. Finals are a pain, but once I get through them, it's a straight shot to going home!

I found a place to live for Fall semester and I'm signing a contract tomorrow. It's a cute little house and I went to look at it today, all by myself. I did feel weird asking the girl who was home if I could take a look around, but I'm proud of myself for taking such initiative. Go me! The house isn't perfect, of course, (no washer and dryer, you have to go to the neighboring apartment complex, but hey, I've been in similar situations.) and I won't know any of the girls I'm moving in with (there's nothing like playing roommate roulette), but I'll only be there for a few months, so I can certainly suck up any difficulties (which I don't anticipate, but it doesn't hurt to mentally prepared yourself). Also, since I'm buying a year contract, I will have to sell the contract when I graduate, but that shouldn't be too hard (rent is $299 a month for a private room, and it's less than a 10 minutes walk to campus). Also, I think there's a clause somewhere in the BYU off-campus housing contracts that say something about getting out of a contract if you're graduating. So there's an option, too.

In any case, I'm so glad to be going home!