Sunday, October 28


So, I was messing around with my phone today and found some pictures that I took while I was in Oregon. And a picture of one of my mountains. So I uploaded them to my computer and now I'll show them to you! Yay!

This is where we ate lunch the day Jamie got married.

This is what I ate. Shepherd's pie. Sooooo good.

This is the makeup I found at the mall where The Cheesecake Factory was. Becca Makeup! Yay for my sister! She has her very own makeup line!

This is one of my mountains. I took this picture on an overcast day this summer when my mountains were so pretty! I use this as the background for my phone. I should take another when they're snow-covered!


So, we started getting the newspaper recently and today the Toys'R'Us Big Toy book arrived. I looked through it, feeling slightly nostalgic about being a kid and looking through catalogs, especially before Christmas. As such, I have decided to post my Christmas wish list. By no means do I ever expect to obtain all the things on my list. I'm just trying to be a kid again.

Kristen's Christmas Wish List
  • Lego Star Wars the video game (Though the complete version doesn't come out for PC, sad.)
  • New earphones
  • The Lord of the Rings Complete Recordings-The Two Towers and The Return of the King
  • More of my favorite Bare Minerals makeup
  • New clothes
  • Various movies, including, but not limited to:
Star Wars: Episodes 4-6
Jane Eyre (the 2006 version)
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Holiday
  • Various books, including, but not limited to:
Believing Christ
The Rhapsody Trilogy (by Elizabeth Haydon, including Rhapsody, Prophecy, and Destiny)
The Twilight Series (by Stephanie Meyers, including Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse)
The Kite Runner (by Khaled Hosseini)
Six Words You Never Knew Had Something to Do With Pigs (by Katherine Barber)
  • a Memory Stick Micro for my phone (1 or 2 gig would be nice)
  • a gig of RAM for my laptop (and someone to install it for me!)
  • a plane ticket home for the holidays
  • a decent grade in my Advanced Writing class
  • a batch of homemade mint chocolate chip cookies
  • to see my adorable niece
  • a printer that works
That's all.

Tuesday, October 23


Tonight I went to Amanda's bridal shower. It was so wonderful, you can't even imagine. I finally got to hang out with all my best friends here in Utah and I haven't gotten to do that since Jamie's wedding. I really miss spending time with Lindsay and Jessica and Amanda and Jamie. We never really get to now that we all live separately. Tonight it felt like I had come home and was with family. Such a wonderful feeling. I mean, my new roommates are nice, but I miss living with Lindsay so badly. And I miss seeing Jessica. And I miss being offended by Mandy. Kate wasn't there tonight, but I miss her fun yet practical personality, too. I'm so comfortable around them. Argh. I just wanna go back in time for a little bit, to re-experience some of that year in Liberty Square. Ok, there are parts of that year that I don't want to experience again. But the fun times we had, definitely. I just feel very nostalgic tonight.

Wednesday, October 17


I have big plans this weekend. Well, for Saturday anyways.

Saturday morning the roommates and I are going to Magleby's for their all-you-can-eat French toast which is truly one of the finer things in life. I'm hoping this goes well and won't be awkward. I'm still not bosom buddies with my new roommates.

Saturday afternoon I will be going up to West Jordan to visit this little place called Gardner's Village. A bunch of us from work are going on this little outing. The village is supposed to be this cute little crafty village all decorated for Halloween with witches and whatnot. There's a sweet shop and even a petting zoo. I'm way excited! I love outings!

I hope I can make it to Saturday. There's bunches of stuff to do before then.

Sunday, October 14


This past Friday, I had an interesting day at work. Interesting as in bad.

Thursday night, the library computer system decided to glitch. All the daily reports from the system were therefore sent to the printer in Circulation instead of to their designated department. In addition to this, all the reports squished together into one massive, unreadable, almost useless super-report that printed 7 billion times. Using 2 and a half reams of paper before someone finally turned the printer off.

This wonderful fiasco meant that I had no recall/available notices printed out. And unfortunately, the computer system can only run my recall/available report once. So, I couldn't recall books from anyone. And I had to look up each available book on hold to see who to give it to. It was not fun. Eventually we found something useable in the massive report so I could email recall notices to people. So, my life was pretty stressful on Friday. Ugh.

And today, I felt all nauseated and stuff. I think it's from something I ate yesterday. Or rather, drank. I made fruit punch from a frozen concentrate can that was probably too old. Lovely.

Now, if we can only get something good to happen this week . . .

Wednesday, October 3


So, I made my first dinner for dinner group. And it turned out fabulous! I made, you guessed it, lasagna, which turned out to be a real hit! Thanks to Mom's homemade recipe, of course! Thanks Mom!

We also had french bread, store-bought from Smith's. Not quite as glamorous as the homemade lasagna, but still pretty good. I have a loaf left over. I should get some olive oil and make bread dip for it!

So, dinner was a success! Yay me!

Dessert, however, was somewhat less successful. I made brownies, but they stuck to the aluminum foil I lined the pan with and then I cut them too soon. They were gooey and crumbly and sticky, which I actually like in brownies, but it was difficult to get them out of the pan. I have leftovers of them, too.

At least I didn't have a brownie fiasco like that one time...

Monday, October 1


I think the highlights of my life are dinner group and work. Dinner group is great, probably the most social part of my life. I feel comfortable there, for the most part. I'm really glad that I decided to do it. It's most definitely worth it.

Work is the other good part of my life. I fit in so well there and know everyone. It's perfect. And though sometimes it gets stressful, like when I have 50 recalls to process and 60 available holds to put on the shelf, I feel useful. Which is a good feeling for me. I feel like I have something to offer there. Same with dinner group. I come across places and situations like that so seldom in my life. Where I feel like I'm welcome and accepted and maybe even needed. It's nice.