Wednesday, August 29


Lately, I'm being inundated with new things. New job (I'm a secretary now!), new roommates, new school year, etc.
I'm way excited about my new job. I'm one of the Holds/Recalls/Book Repair secretaries now and all of the stuff I have to learn how to do is a bit overwhelming, but I'll eventually get a grip on it all. I'll miss being up at the front desk, of course. I grew so much as a person in that job. Hopefully, I even got a little more mature. And this new job, I'm sure, will make me stretch myself just as much. (Seriously, I'm afraid of all these phone calls I have to make!) But I'm catching on.

I've met two of my roommates so far. Erin (sharing a room with me) and Krista. They both seem really nice. I hope we get along something like my old roomies. I miss them a bunch. It's a way different adjustment when you start living with brand new people instead of people you already know. We'll see how it goes.

New school year. I'm not really too hyped up about it. I'm not looking forward to any class in particular; however, I'm feeling a little stressed about Latin 201. Especially since it's been a year since I've taken a Latin class. I'm just tired of going to school. I want so badly to just be done with it all. And hopefully, in a year, I will be done.

Thursday, August 23


Yes, I went to Oregon last week for my roommate, Jamie's wedding. It was very fun. We drove all night last Wednesday and arrived in Salem (near Portland) at about 10:30 Thursday morning.

That evening, everyone went to Sizzler's for the "rehearsal dinner." There really wasn't any rehearsing done, of course, we just ate food and enjoyed good company.

After Sizzler's, we all headed over to Jamie's house for homemade ice cream made in a John Deere ice cream maker. This thing was way cool. It had its own full-size power generator attached to it and man, was it loud! The ice cream was most delicious!

Here's me and Lindsay and Eva, "hanging out" on the backyard swing.

Me and Amanda and Eva in the kitchen. I don't think Amanda ever realized that I was making bunny ears behind her.

The wedding the next day was great. No rain, but it was slight windy and overcast. I felt like I was back in Alabama with all the moisture in the air! Here's some more pictures from outside the Portland Temple.

Me, Lindsay, Jamie (so pretty!), Eva, and Amanda.

Here we are, beating up Merrill for stealing our roommate away from us!

Lindsay and I are so weird!

We're such strong women!

For lunch, Lindsay's mom treated us to the Cheesecake Factory. Never have I tasted such sweet yummy goodness! I had the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. It was heaven!

The reception was held back in Salem at Jamie's home ward church building. She had chocolate wedding cake with white frosting. It can be done, Mom!

Here are Jamie and Merrill, cutting the cake! So cute! Note the chocolate wedding cake to the right! Of course, there is some white cake to the left, too.

Eva, Amanda, and I left right after the reception and drove all the way back to Provo that night. I slept most of the way.

I'd never been to Oregon, so I'm excited that I got to go to the wedding. It was way fun!


So, according to The Princeton Review, BYU's library is ranked third in the nation among university libraries. Harvard and Princeton are numbers 1 and 2. Just a few years ago, we were ranked number one.

I'm so proud that I work at such a prestigious place! And I go to the number one stone-cold sober school, too!

Monday, August 13


I went to see Harry Potter 5 on Saturday. In my opinion, it was better than the book! I didn't really like The Order of the Phoenix book. Too many angsty teenagers. So I was somewhat surprised that I enjoyed the movie so much. Maybe cause they left out a bunch of stuff.

Anyhoo, while watching the movie, I was just really impressed with the soundtrack. So I decided to download it from iTunes. From some of the reviews on there, it seemed like people weren't too excited about it. Now, the composer, Nicholas Hooper, is no John Williams, but I really liked his work on the movie.

I really loved the new cast members for movie 5. Both Imelda Staunton (Prof. Umbridge) and Helena Bonham-Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) are excellent actors and they do perfectly in their respective roles. I really was pleased with them. The other new actors were great as well. Tonks was just how I imagined her, and Kingsley Shacklebolt was way cool. They just did a great job with this film. I just really enjoyed the whole thing.

Saturday, August 11


It seems I have a slight cold. I'm all stuffy and my nose is running out the wazoo, so it's either a cold or I'm severely allergic to Utah.

I've had a pretty social weekend so far. I went to the store yesterday morning with Jamie, went to work, then went to see Whale Rider at BYU's International Cinema with some friends. Afterwards, we went to The Malt Shop for some milkshakes. My strawberry shake was most excellent.

Of course, being social on Friday night meant that I didn't get enough sleep last night. I had to wake up early this morning since I had work at 8. Ugh. And it was then that my nose started leaking like Niagara Falls. Still, work was ok. Bev, my boss, gave me my evaluation for Summer Term and everything was phenomally positive. Course, I only get a 10 cent raise and not 20 cents, but that's because I was only working during Summer and not Spring. Still pretty good, though.

This afternoon, I went for ice cream with some ELang major friends, one of whom is getting married next week. Another wedding I'm gonna miss. Well, I'm sure Oregon will be fun. I've never been there after all.

Now I'm fixing to take a nap and wait for Kristina to call about going to see Harry Potter 5 tonight. Socially, I'm about worn out. But it's certainly been fun!

Monday, August 6

Thursday, August 2


I'm in love with my new phone.

I just got it today. It arrived in a brown cardboard box on my doorstep around 4:00 this afternoon. I set it all up just in time to leave for work (After calling Mother several hundred times to figure out how to activate it and stuff). It was pouring down rain so my wonderful roommate, Jamie, drove me up to the library.
While at work, I finished putting all my numbers into my new phone's address book. I also learned that even if the phone is set on silent, the alarm isn't. However, if the custodians are across the way cleaning the carpets with their astoundingly loud carpet cleaners, it is rather hard to hear the alarm if you're sitting more that six feet away from it.
I got home from work just after 11:00. I went to the Sony Ericsson website to see about downloading software I can use when I get my USB connector. While there I checked out some of the cool things my phone can do.

My phone has an FM radio. By plugging in the hands-free set, which acts as an antenna, I can listen to countless stations! (Ok, not countless, but it's quite a few)

My phone has a camera. With video capture. This means I should start taking video and post it on here. I'll have to wait until my USB connector comes, though. Since I ordered it just today, it'll take a couple weeks. I only spent about 2 dollars on the actual cable. Shipping cost about 6 dollars.

My phone has a nifty little music editor program. I just mixed my own ringtone! It has little soundclips you can combine together to create your own tune. Way cool.

My phone also has a video/picture editor for creating little movies. Fun!

My phone makes noises when I flip it open! Granted, I'm sure I'll get sick of this eventually, but right now it's pretty much the coolest thing ever!

My phone has a sound recorder. Now I can record those secret government phone calls I'm always making, so some evil villain can use them against me!

Lastly, my phone comes preloaded with Tetris. You gotta love a phone that provides you with hours of mindless entertainment!

In conclusion, I've discovered I really am my mother's child. I love my cool electronic gadgets, just like she does. And also in conclusion, I need to go to bed. It's much too late.

Wednesday, August 1


It's been awhile since I've written on here. Really, my life isn't that exciting.

Seems like everyone's getting married, lately. My roommate, my coworkers, people I know from school. I'm not, of course. Just lots of people around me.

A friend of mine from work, Kim, is going to set me up with a friend of hers. I haven't met him yet, cause he's busy being an EFY counselor. He's from Alabama, and from what Kim says, seems pretty interesting. We'll see how that goes.

I haven't been doing much lately. I just work at my library. It's pretty much my entire social life, too. And since my roommate, Jamie, is moving to her new apartment next week, I'll be pretty lonely for the rest of the summer. I'll be fine, though, I've discovered that I rather like being a loner. I get along plenty well with everyone at work, and I'm there all the time. It's just I'll be alone at home. That's all.