Sunday, February 26


Yesterday, I was planning on just hanging around my apartment, playing my computer, watching some movies. But several things happened yesterday to change those plans.

First, I got a new roommate. My days of having my own room are over! I'm somewhat sad because of that, cause now Jenna won't be able to sleep over whenever, and I have to get used to sharing a room again. It'll take a bit of adjusting, but it looks like Chelsea is a really nice girl that I'll be able to get on with. She was in the room all day, unpacking her stuff, so that kinda upset my lounging around plans.

Second, Jamie(Lindsay's cousin) called me and told me she wanted to go buy Dance Dance Revolution and asked if I would come with her. I had some things I wanted to pick up at the store, so I agreed. So we drove to Best Buy and bought the PS2 there. They had the game, but they didn't have the dance pads there, so we drove over to the mall to Gamestop where they had the dance pads for 20 bucks. However, Gamestop didn't have the game! So we drove over to Toys'r'us, but they didn't have it either. Our next stop, Circuit City, didn't have it either, so we finally went to Walmart, where we both needed to go shopping anyways. Walmart didn't even carry DDR, so we bought our groceries and then went back to Best Buy and just got the game there. After that fun adventure quest, we went to Jamie's apartment where we proceeded to play DDR for the next 3 and a half hours! That game is incredibly addicting and fun! The only reason we stopped was because our legs hurt so much. But I've gotten pretty dang good at the Beginner level and I can hold my own on the Light level. I wanna keep playing it because it's a video game that's fun and good for me!

The only other news I have is that I'm sick with the flu. It's not fun, but surprisingly, I was doing fine with DDR yesterday. I got kinda winded when I first started playing, but that passed. I don't think having the front door open with a fan blowing cold air everywhere did much good for me though. It was nice cause we were getting all sweaty, but when I woke up this morning, I felt so much worse than I did yesterday. Blegh.

Thursday, February 16


So no one except for Peter has updated their blog for awhile. Let me tell you people, it makes for boring reading. I want to be entertained, people, and I want to be entertained now! Ok, not really. But I do like reading my family's various blogs. And my own life is pretty boring right now. I just go to school, go to work, come home, sleep occasionally. At least we have a three-day weekend coming and I don't have to work on Monday. Vacation day! I get to sleep in and I'm really excited about that! I only get to sleep in on Saturday and most of the time not even then cause my roomies are up and about and being loud.

Scripture of the day:
D&C 98:12
For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith.

I've decided that this scripture applies to me and boys right now. I guess I'm kinda impatient for a relationship. But I can't have one all at once. I have to get one "line upon line", a little at a time. So I'll try to work on being patient and just taking one day at a time right now.

Tuesday, February 14


I read a really funny history book by Dave Barry today during my break. I got out of my Latin class, pleased with myself for getting another 99 on a test, headed over to the library, my second home, and read for almost 2 hours (after I did my homework for Geography). Then I finished the book and turned it into the security desk on my way out of the library when it was time for class.

In Geography, we talked about hurricanes and El Nino. This wasn't nearly as exciting as last week, when we talked about tornadoes and got to watch the last 10 minutes of Twister. I love that movie! Today I spent the whole time thinking first about the grade I got on the Geography test (which wasn't nearly as good as my Latin test grade) and the movie The Day After Tomorrow. I wish we could have watched that movie. Especially the part where they burn law books in the NYC library. I think that was the thing I liked most about that whole movie. The being trapped in a library part. And, of course, I'd giggle horrendously whenever Ian Holms came on the screen because, hey! He's Bilbo Baggins! Well, I have D&C in a few minutes, so I guess I better end this.

Don't you just love how my post title has nothing to do with what I actually wrote? Except for the "day" part.

Thursday, February 9


So I was talking with my step-adopted-half roommate, Jenna, last night. I really like her. She's Canadian. Of course, her being Canadian really has nothing to do with why I like her. She's really easy to get along with, she's funny, and she and I both have boy problems. I really really wish that she was actually living with us right now, but I'm looking forward to next fall when she'll be my real roommate. I like how I find it easy to talk to her about anything. She doesn't make me feel awkward. She listens to me and doesn't make me feel like I'm an idiot even when I'm struggling to find the right words to say.

Now if I could only find a boy that I could connect with like that. Right now, that seems pretty hopeless.

Thursday, February 2


As in jot and tittle. Cause I have just a few minutes to update until I have class.

Life has just kinda been droning on lately. Nothing exciting. The highlight of my week was when I went to see the gorgeous apartment that I'm moving into for spring. It is the most beautiful apartment in the world. I was talking about it at work yesterday and one of my co-workers commented that I talked about that apartment with more enthusiasm than I ever talked about a boy. Sad, huh? Maybe because I've never had anything exciting to say about boys. Because they never give me anything exciting to talk about. I guess that's half my fault. You reap what you sow, and I have a bad habit of keeping my seeds to myself.