Monday, January 29


I went to the Olive Garden for lunch with my good friend, Jennica, today. That place has some of the ultimate comfort food. Mmmmm, salad and breadsticks. I still have a faint, yet comforting aftertaste in my mouth. Actually, it's starting to get slightly gross. But I have leftovers for dinner! The only thing I wish I'd done was get bruscetta. But that would've made lunch out of my price range. 10 bucks for both lunch and dinner from Olive Garden is a pretty good deal, I'd say.

We saw so many babies at Olive Garden. They were really cute and I started to miss my niece. So I think that my sister and brother-in-law should post more pictures of her on their blogs. Or little videos where she does cute things. Yeah. Stage 'em if you have to, but I want to see my niece!

Tuesday, January 16


So, me and Eva (my new roommate) went to Walmart tonight to pick up some necessities that I needed to get. Like ibuprofen. And milk. Anyway, while we were in the food section, Eva noticed some really cute guys that were kinda following us around. Of course, me being the oblivious person that I am, I didn't notice anything of the kind. Eva had to tell me all this after the fact. But apparently, one of the boys was pretty cute. And, also apparently, he was checking me out. Like, when I was getting some mayonaise(Actually, it was Miracle Whip. I alternate. Last time, I got real mayonaise), according to Eva, he came up and stood right beside without getting anything off the shelf. And he never said a word to me.

Oh, how I wish that I wasn't BLIND! I didn't even look once at this boy. Completely oblivious to his presence. And he was showing interest. DARN YOU, SALAZAR!(points if you know where that's from)

Oh well. I guess I'll have to go back to Walmart again. So I can practice realizing that boys are checking me out.

Sunday, January 14


Tomorrow I am going to reach the illustrious age of twenty-two. Ok, I know twenty-two is really not all that illustrious, but it's still older than I've ever been before. And I'm one of the oldest girls at work. Only counting student employees.

Speaking of work, I'm the senior TL now. Which means, apparently, that I have to take minutes at the meetings. It's not so bad, except when it's the first meeting of the year and I've totally forgotten that I actually have to take minutes. Fortunately, my boss had a pen and paper and reminded me. I hope that these first minutes are interesting, because everyone else has to read them. I did add pictures. When I go to work tomorrow, I'll see what I have to do to get them actually posted on Blackboard.

Yes, I do have to work on my birthday. I'm not complaining, mostly because it's just for one measly hour at 10 in the morning. Piece of cake. And really, who's gonna be at the library then? It's Martin Luther King Day. What, like five people?

My roomies are throwing me a party tomorrow night. I'm always slightly anxious about parties; I don't do that well with big groups of people. But I'm hoping this party will be fun. And I get to open presents tomorrow! Yay!