Monday, October 31

Some insightful title. Use your imagination.

I figure I should update, since I haven't.

Saturday was fun. I had a ward Halloween party and dressed up in a white trash bag. Yes, I was white trash. Go me. I even turned on my Southern accent for the night.

For some reasons, all of my teachers have decided to have me do either a big project or write a paper this semester. In every single class. I'm slightly annoyed.

And I hate boys. Especially ones that talk about things and ideas.

Friday, October 14

Wow, this is like, the third day in a row!

I guess when I have stuff to talk about, I blog more.

So last night, I had a very fun time going to see a movie with some people that I had never met before. The movie was called Serenity. It was a scifi deal about this crew on a ship and how they have to save the universe. Well, they didn't really have to save the universe, they just had to keep out of the clutches of this slightly creepy black guy who reminds me an awful lot of Morpheus from the Matrix.

Anyways, I got back from the movie and Lindsay about had a heart attack. I guess I should have said that I was going out, cause she had no idea where I had been for the last two and a half hours. Oops. And then I had to give the 411 on what had happened. Twice. Cause I only told the story to one roommate at a time. And I still haven't told Jessica either. She's gonna wig out, too. I don't normally just leave the apartment randomly and go to movies with strange boys that I only know from connections on the 100 hour board. And he's not that strange anyways. ;)

Tonight I'm going to Homecoming Spectacular with my way hot date. Yup, I'm going with my fabulous roommate, Lindsay! We went together last year, too. And we decided that when we're old and gray, we'll still drop everything the weekend of BYU's homecoming and fly to Provo, wherever in the world we are, to go to Homecoming Spectacular. Ok, maybe not. But it's a cool thought. Maybe we can do that when Lindsay gets phenomenally rich. I do love my roommates though. I don't know if they realize how much. They are my best friends and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for getting us together. Because I do not doubt that He had a hand in putting the four of us in one apartment last year.

Well, I'm off to do my homework for Bio 100. The most boring, stupid class ever. At least in my opinion.

Thursday, October 13


Ok, so basically I'm using this post as an excuse to procrastinate writing my response paper for my ELang class. Actually the paper shouldn't take very long to write. Half hour, tops.

So, I totally don't have to work Saturdays anymore. Except this Saturday. I'm working two hours for my dear coworker Sondra, bless her heart. She has to go be in the Homecoming Parade. But after that, I'm gonna go home and veg out in front of my computer for a long day of video games and movies. Hopefully I can get my Final Fantasy VII cd working. And maybe I'll do something productive. Like work on my Pearl of Great Price paper. Ok, well, I'm running out of things to type so my procrastination can't go on much longer. Pook. All right, I'm done now.

Wednesday, October 12

These are a few of my favorite.....quotes.

"At those hours especially when we have sorest need of grasping the sharp realities of life do the threads of thought snap off in the brain." ~ Victor Hugo

"Life is what happens between the time you should start your homework and when you finish it." ~ Ben Tucker

"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." ~Hermione Granger

"Are there not little chapters in everybody's life, that seem to be nothing, and yet affect all the rest of the history?" ~Vanity Fair

"Ninety percent of true love is acute, ear-burning embarrassment." ~Terry Pratchett

"You need to dare to hope for what is good, instead of settling for what is merely good enough." ~Orson Scott Card

"English is the stupidest language on Earth. Except for German, and it is not a language, it is a headcold." ~Orson Scott Card

"Magic rings are--well, magical." ~Gandalf the Grey

"Almost it seemed that the words took shape, and visions of far lands and bright things that he had never yet imagined opened out before him..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

"Books ought to have good endings." ~Bilbo Baggins

"Ah! the green smell! It is better than much sleep." ~Legolas

"And no one was ill, and everyone was pleased, except those who had to mow the grass." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Can you tell what my favorite book is?

Sunday, October 9


Have you ever watched someone from afar and felt like you know them entirely too well? That you know what they're feeling because you feel the same way? You don't know this person in real life, but you've caught glimpses of who they are and it scares you to death because he is going through nearly the very same thing that you are. And you're jealous of him because he can express himself better than you, but you savor every word of his because he expresses himself so very beautifully. And when you find out that he has found a girl to like you feel awful, because you're jealous when you shouldn't be jealous. You don't know him and he doesn't know you; you have no right to be jealous. But you are jealous, all the same. Because when you catch the few glimpses into his soul, when you read the words he's written, you feel like you are home. And you're scared and happy at the same time. And you feel a ghostly connection to this boy you've never met. But you never ever ever try to actually make a connection. You wouldn't want to add to his problems. You know how you would feel if someone intruded himself upon you. And so you hope that these eerie feelings will just go away on their own.

Thursday, October 6

Madame Librarian

For me, working at the library is the equivalent of a 6-year old living in a candy store: just the thought of it makes my mouth water.

Today, I got so distracted while helping this sweet lady that I forgot that it was time to go to class. When I finished with her, I looked at the clock. It read 1:09. Class had started nearly ten minutes previously! So I booked it (sorta) down to the JSB in time to be there for most of class. And I'm glad I got there, too. We talked about spirits and intelligences today. Pretty fascinating stuff. But also mind-boggling, too.

So after that class, I went and read more of Kingdoms and Conquerors (The new Tennis Shoes among the Nephites book) until it was time for my next class. Grammar.

This is not a boring class. I'm serious. You'd think it would be, but my professor does his best to keep our interest. And it works. He's from Australia and he tells great stories. And we try ever so hard to keep him telling stories and away from teaching grammar. And it works.

Ok, random time. I check out a lot of books from the library. And then I read them all at the same time. I'm in the middle of about 5 books right now.

And if you want to see the project I recently finished for my internet publishing class, go here.

Monday, August 29


All of my thoughts and my dreams
Have been locked deep inside of my heart
For as long as I’ve known
I wish that someone would open me up
And reveal all the secrets and lies in my heart

Why does the world seem to leave me behind
In the night and the cold
And I’m left all alone
Searching for something that reaches beyond
All the bounds of the earth that will give my heart hope

Is there something waiting
Someone waiting for me to open the door?

Is there an answer?
Is there a place for me?
Can I be loved by somebody?

Will there be music?
Will there be smiles and dreams?
Right now I’m all alone it seems

All of the stories and pages I’ve turned
Are the dreams that I dream
And I hide in myself

Wondering why I get left all alone
In the dark and the cold
And there’s not any stars
Searching for something that reaches beyond
All the bounds of the earth that will unchain my heart

Is there an answer?
Is there a place for me?
Can I be loved by somebody?

Will there be music?
Will there be smiles and dreams?
But now I’ll be all alone it seems

Don’t leave me here alone
I can’t find the way on my own

Is there an answer?
Is there a place for me?
Can I belong to somebody?

Will there be music?
Will there be smiles and dreams?
Right now I’m on my own…

It seems

Thursday, July 28

The Search for Spiderman

I've finally got my plane ticket back to Utah all arranged. I leave on Sunday, August 7th, sometime in the evening (5ish, I think, I have to check my email for the exact itinerary). So I only have a little over a week left in Huntsville. Thank goodness I'm going back, though. Maybe I can start doing something productive with my life.

I watched Spiderman 2 tonight. This movie is really one of my favorites and Spiderman is really my favorite superhero. I think it has something to do with him being in love with a redhead.

Anyway, I really wanted to watch it the other day, so I opened the DVD case but it wasn't there! I looked and looked everywhere for it. Everywhere! I reorganized all the other DVD's we have, opening each case in case someone had stuck it in the wrong one. I asked the boys if they had seen it anywhere, I asked Mom and Dad if they knew where it was.

Josh was the last one to watch it, I finally figured out, so he could have put it anywhere in the house. I looked in the kitchen, in the laundry room, in the family room. I even looked in the car, thinking that maybe Josh had brought it on a trip to watch on the laptop. Nothing.

I looked in nearly every dang CD case in the house, hoping to come across it. I even cleaned the computer desk, just so I could find it. Well, the desk was a mess, too, so it was good that I cleaned it. I looked forever both yesterday and today, but I couldn't find it! Finally, thinking Spiderman would be lost forever, I just gave up. I collapsed onto the couch and grieved the loss of my precious superhero.

But just then, Mom saved the day! She found the DVD tucked away on a bookshelf in her bedroom. Spiderman was back! And I got to watch the movie! Thanks Mom! Or should I say Super-Mom?

Sunday, July 24

Waltzing with Bears

Today in Primary we learned a new song. It wasn't an official song from the songbook or anything; this cute old couple (the Romero's) came in and taught this cute this little song about waltzing with bears. And now that song is stuck in my head. Here's the chorus.

He goes wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-waltzing with bears,
Raggy ones, shaggy ones, baggy ones, too.
There's nothing in the world Uncle Walter won't do,
So he can go waltzing,
So he can go waltzing, waltzing with bears.

Saturday, July 16

Ack! I'm updating!

It's been a while. But I just felt the need to update because I just gulped down the entire sixth Harry Potter book in one 6 hour long sitting! Or laying down, rather, cause I was on my bed most of the time. Yes, I got the book at midnight from Walmart, got home from Walmart at about 12:25, and read straight through to the early hour of 6ish. I am such a nerd.

Don't worry, I won't divulge anything. Though you know I'm just dying to!

Thursday, June 30


I've discovered that I don't have very many interesting things to say. So don't be surprised if this doesn't get updated very often, cause I won't make an entry if I don't feel like I have anything to say.

Monday, June 27

Where I've been, I think

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

I'm not completely sure about some of these. Like, I'm not sure if we've ever driven through Indiana, Delaware, or Kansas.

Thursday, June 23

Here's one of my favorite Lord of the Rings fansites. It focuses on Eowyn, who is one of my favorite characters. Some of the artwork on here is, I think, quite beautiful. The fanart, not so much. But the professional stuff: gorgeous!

Saturday, June 11

For the benefit of the nonexistent person who reads this

So I watched a good movie tonight. Well, at least I thought it was good. It made me think. Those movies are the best types of movies. The movie: Fahrenheit 451. Gosh, Ray Bradbury had some weird but kinda profound thoughts. I didn't like the bookburning scenes though. The thought of all those wonderful books going up in flame makes my heart hurt.

I really love books. I don't even have to read them (though I love doing that too). There's something about a book and the way it feels in my hands when I open it. When I touch a page to gently lift and turn it. And when I finish my reading and close the book, I can't help but pause for a moment to simply appreciate the book for itself. I could enter a bookstore and spend hours just looking and touching and opening and reading, then leave the store without spending a dime. My heart would be content.

Last semester I would go to the library, take the stairs to the fifth floor, pick up a book, and read. And if I didn't feel like reading I would wander up and down the aisles, my eyes skimming titles both familiar and unfamiliar. Ah, there's an old friend, I'd think. And I'd take it off the shelf and brush my fingers across the cover and flip through the pages and remember. On another shelf, an old leather binding would catch my eye; I'd hold the ancient tome for a moment in awe and reverence for the yellowed pages and the musty aroma. Seconds, minutes, even hours later, I'd look at my watch and realize that I had only five minutes to get to class. With a sigh, I'd trudge down the stairs, leaving my old and new friends behind, but promising myself and the books that I would be back soon.

Every book I've read is a friend to me. I suppose that's why I didn't like the books burning in the movie. I felt like I was losing my best friends.

Tuesday, April 26

The Return of the Redhead

I don't really have many interesting things to post. But I wanna learn how to do cool things with my layout and such. So I'm back for now.

Does anyone read this? Has anyone ever read it? I wonder.

Friday, January 21

Goodbye, Blogger!

Well, since no one seems to be reading my posts (not that I've made many) and I don't really know more than 2 people here, I'm going back to LiveJournal. I like LiveJournal better anyways. It fits the way I blog. Ok, so long!