Sunday, October 12

Halloween Costume Shopping

The girls decided that we are going to throw a Halloween party. So, we went shopping last night to get costumes. I decided to go simple and be a librarian. I bought cheap granny glasses and a chain to attach to them. I'm going to wear my nametag from work and my new plaid skirt. It will be great!

Here's me, Suzie and Jenny trying on hats at the costume shop (AKA Party City).

Sunday, October 5

Cornbelly's Fall Fun

Friday night, me and the roomies went up to Thanksgiving Point to the Cornbelly's corn maze. Dang, was it ever fun! I even went through the haunted corn maze and the giant blow-up haunted beast. I guess I'm less of a wuss than I think I am. It did help that Maya was more freaked out than me, cause I'd just laugh when she would scream. We also went through the big unhaunted corn maze, which was shaped like David Archuleta. That was fun. And the best part of the evening was the corn box, a room filled with corn, kinda like a ball pit. Our group consisted of Maya, Suzie, Jenny, Eve, Jordan (Eve's boyfriend), Taft (the guy Jenny's dating) and me.

Moving on to the pictures...

Here's me and Maya on a giant rocking chair.

Here's me buried in the corn in the corn box.

I'm hiding in this picture. Like an ostrich.

Here we're starting to bury Jordan. He's the one lying in the middle. Suzie's in the bottom right and Taft is behind me. Some random dude is off to the upper right. We buried everyone in our group. It was so fun and highly unsanitary! We spent so much time in there.

Here's Maya, Suzie and me wandering through the David Archuleta maze. Not the haunted maze.

We raced little plastic ducks by pumping water. Maya's duck won, but I got second place!

Me kissing a life-sized plastic horse.

Suzie and me enjoying our apple blossom. Basically, apple blossoms are a caramel apple sliced up and dribbled with chocolate and whipped cream with a cherry on top.

One of the kiddy areas was the Pumpkin Princess Patch. They had princess tiaras and wigs that you were supposed to use to dress up scarecrows, but we liked putting them on us instead. Then we got into the Cinderella pumpkin carriage. The horse "pulling" the carriage is the one I "kissed."
I got the idea for kissing the horse from Suzie who kissed a big plastic cow earlier.

From left to right: Jenny, Taft, Me, Jordan, Eve

This is the giant blow-up haunted beast that I conquered! Go me!

Here's Suzie preparing to defend us in the haunted corn maze. Can you see the dude hiding in the corn to the right of her? He jumped out right after the picture got taken and scared Suzie.

And finally, here's the roomies, minus Eve, sitting on the big plastic cow bench. Eve and Jordan were off on their own.