Tuesday, April 29


So, I came up with new title ideas for my blog:

Lays of a Librarian

Kristen Howell the Third

Verbally Dyslexic

I kinda like that last one. I was thinking of some other ones, but I don't think they would make sense to people other than me (My Hair is on Fire, Smiling Lessons, Happy Story). Anyway, I still got a bit of homework to do. We have to translate one sentence for Latin. Just one. I wish it would stay like that all semester.


Today was the first day of class for spring term. I had Biology at 9 and Latin at 10. Biology was typically boring and unlikeable, despite our poor TA trying so hard to make it sound interesting. I did, however, get a kick out of the email the TAs sent later today. Most especially this line:
"Tomorrow we will begin learning BIOIOGY!!"

Maybe tomorrow we will also begin learning how to spell.

Wednesday, April 23


I'm in the process of moving right now. All my finals are done; most of my stuff is packed. All that's left is to do some heavy duty transporting of my stuff to the new place and some equally heavy duty cleaning to the old place. At the moment, my crap is sitting in the living room, taking up massive amounts of space. It's taking up more space than usual because I have to move kitchen supplies and books. Haven't done that for two years. Hopefully, when I make a permanent move back to Huntsville, I won't have the dishes. Well, maybe I'll keep some of them. Like the set of glasses I inherited from old roommates. And my beautiful green can opener. And my set of matching plates, bowls and mugs.

There will be no getting rid of any books.

Saturday, April 19


I'm mostly finished with finals. I just have my Othello performance on Wednesday. My two test finals I took today. I decided to opt out of taking my New Testament final because I already have a B+ in the class and we can drop our lowest test score, including the final. Based on previous test scores, I'd probably make about a B if I were to take the final, so I don't think taking it would really improve my grade at all. Well, now I gotta worry about this play and moving all my stuff. That's it for the semester.

Tuesday, April 15


Ok, so I've changed my layout. Now I'm thinking I need to change my title. I'm open to suggestions. Maybe something to do with libraries or the English language. Or books. Maybe all three. Like I said, I'm open to suggestions.

Wednesday, April 2


My brother-in-law just did this on his blog and it was fairly interesting. So here goes.
  1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
  2. Turn to page 123.
  3. Find the 5th sentence
  4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
  5. Tag 5 people.
Like Peter, I'm going to omit the last step.

The nearest book to me is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

The fifth sentence on page 123:
"I only knew the memory lived in me, a perfectly encapsulated morsel of a good past, a brushstroke of color on the gray, barren canvas thatour lives had become."
Oddly enough, I bought this book for my brother-in-law for Christmas last year. And I'm just now reading it for the first time myself.

Tuesday, April 1


I have decided that it is time.

Time for a new blog layout.

So, today I checked out my friend, Lindsay's, new blog. I decided that I really liked the layout she had and so I visited the site that she got it from: Pyzam.com. They have about a million layouts, but I narrowed my search down by looking at green ones. I looked at a bunch of those and found 7 that I really like. Here are links to the 7, in no particular order:

(P.S. The titles of the layouts are pretty lame.)

Time for Love

In the Green


Green Vine

Nifty Pattern

Love Bus

You Give Me

Let me know what you guys think. I am kinda leaning towards either Nifty Pattern or one of the stripy ones (Time for Love, Love Bus, or You Give Me).

And seriously, who came up with those names?